Six things not to do when filing for Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a tough time for the person undergoing bankruptcy. When you are filing a bankruptcy case, it will help you eliminate debts and start fresh. Filing bankruptcy is not easy and should not be taken lightly. Before proceeding you need to know everything about bankruptcy. You need to be aware of what you need to do and what you should not to do when you are applying for bankruptcy. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer like Brian Linnekens shares six things you need not do when you are filing for bankruptcy. Always avoid mistakes which might create problems in your bankruptcy.

Don’t abuse your creditors

When you are filing for bankruptcy and creditors are calling you in spite of you having filed for bankruptcy do not message back on your creditors message in anger or frustration. It is important not to say anything wrong and not to be abusive with your creditors. These types of mistakes might create problem for you in your bankruptcy case. Don’t try to communicate directly with your creditors, always ask your bankruptcy lawyer to give you the best advice; advice that is always perfect for your situation.

Avoid moving assets

It is important when filing bankruptcy to avoid moving assets, transferring, selling or even hiding them. Don’t try to move assets because if the court knows you are trying to it will amount to a fraud, your case may be dismissed altogether. You need to talk to your attorney about your assets that you might be considering to transfer. The bankruptcy attorney will help protect your assets.

Don’t giving any false information

This is really most important thing, don’t give any wrong information about your property and assets when filing necessary paperwork. Always share correct information with your lawyer so that he/she can fight for you. If you don’t complete all information correctly and honestly there are chances that the bankruptcy court might dismiss your case.

Don’t make any large purchase

Don’t purchase anything new with your credit cards. When you know you can’t pay your credit and loan. Avoid this type of mistake because it can create more problems. In general bankruptcy rules if you are purchasing luxury items during the 70 to 90 days before filing bankruptcy then it is considered as fraud. Only use credit card to purchase items which are considered as necessities.

Avoid failing to file income taxes

When you are filing a bankruptcy, remember your taxes should be up to date. If you want your bankruptcy to go fine remember that filing taxes is pertinent. Before filing bankruptcy you need to check your income tax returns. It should be filed properly because without your returns and completing paperwork it will be next-to-impossible to consider your bankruptcy application for the court and this might stop your bankruptcy in its tracks.

Don’t hire an inexperienced bankruptcy lawyer

This is the biggest mistake many people make. Sometimes people just to save money tend to hire a lawyer with low fee However one should understand that every lawyer with a low fee might not be able to present you case properly to the bankruptcy court. When you are hiring a lawyer for your bankruptcy case, the lawyer should be local, experienced, professional, honest and well reputed. If you are hiring an experienced bankruptcy lawyer, there are more and more chance to get a good deal.

How to Stop Creditor Harassment after Bankruptcy

When you file bankruptcy, creditors have to automatically stop phone calls, emails, and letters. This is the best and strongest way to end creditor harassment. Creditors cannot contact you to collect debts after you’ve filed for bankruptcy. Creditor harassment is really stressful. If you are suffering from creditor harassment even after filing for bankruptcy then you need to hire an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will help you, work to stop the creditor harassment and also will discuss all legal rights that you are entitled to.
Experienced bankruptcy lawyer Mr. Brian Linnekens shares a few top tips to stop creditor harassment after filing for bankruptcy –

Explain the creditors you have filed bankruptcy

After filing bankruptcy if any creditor calls, you can tell the creditor that you have filed for bankruptcy. If the creditors know that you filed for bankruptcy, they will stop calling you but few may not. After filing for bankruptcy continued collection activity by creditors is illegal.

Take note after every creditor calls

It is important for all creditors to stop calling, mailing and messaging you after filed bankruptcy. Thus it is in your favor to keep record of every call you receive from the creditors. You can write down their number and what they have to say. This is great evidence for your bankruptcy lawyer to use in court if necessary.

Hire an experienced bankruptcy lawyer

Creditor harassment is a common issue during and after bankruptcy. You do not deserve harassment after filing for bankruptcy. If you are suffering from creditors interfering and harassment, it is most important that you need to hire an experienced and reputed bankruptcy lawyer. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will help you to stop contacting you.

Drag the creditors into court

If you think creditors calling and harassment has not stopped when you file bankruptcy you can fight against your creditors in the court. You have every right to file a case against your creditors for harassment and emotional suffering they’ve caused. You have the right to protect yourself and the bankruptcy court may punish the creditor for contempt.

Stand up for your legal rights

If your creditors are harassing you and you are suffering from creditors because they will not stop making the phone calls, emails, and letters and you need legal help in stopping creditor harassment, do not wait. You just need to talk to your bankruptcy lawyer. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will protect your rights and offer guidance on what your next steps should be. Apart from that a lawyer will stop creditor’s harassments and take more aggressive steps.